Saturday, September 13, 2008

Summer Fun

So I know that I have not kept up on the Blog so I'm trying to do a little catch up. Here is some of the Highlights from the summer.

Mike had training in DC and we all went with him. While we were the we went to the zoo and the Space and Air museum.

One Saturday we went to Central Park and Caleb enjoyed running in the water at the park.

We got yummy cupcakes at Dylan's Candy Bar and Caleb enjoyed every bite. Mason even tried to dig in to whatever he could get his hands on.

Dylan's Candy Bar

Christy and I took our kids to a carnival that they had in Stapleton.

Nickelodeon had a slime fest at Snug Harbor that we went to explore. Caleb got to shoot slime from a gun. He was excited.

Mike had training in Boston and while he was working Me and the boys had fun in the Children's museum.

Caleb loved the different mazes that the had set up for golf balls. We spent most of our time in this room at the Children's museum.

Caleb became a fish. He loves the water and learned to swim well this summer.

Mason is just CUTE!!

Marc and Megan got sealed in the SLC temple and Mike was able to go out to be there with them.

We went to the NYC aquarium for play group.

All of us Moms and kids waiting for the show at the aquarium.

1 comment:

Yo Mama said...

I'm so glad that I was there for some of that. You didn't tell me about the slime visit. That would have been the highlight of the summer for sure. Loving the wallpaper!